General Info

Our orientation runs are intended to be slow, social runs that give you a chance to get to know the terrain and route a little better to help prepare you for race day. We will have several groups at varying paces with run leaders and sweepers. We will also offer various distances:

Dates to be announced in 2025

15k – dates to be announced in 2025:

Register for the 15k Orientation Run here: https://raceroster.com/events/2024/89592/devils-ladder-15k-orientation-run-2024

30k – dates to be announced in 2025:

Register for the 30k Orientation Run here: https://raceroster.com/events/2024/89593/devils-ladder-30k-orientation-run-2024

50k – dates to be announced in 2025:

  • Shortened version of the Queso Loop (approx 12k / 543M total).
  • There will be no other options for this orientation.

Register for the 50k Orientation Run here: https://raceroster.com/events/2024/89594/devils-ladder-50k-orientation-run-2024shared


Registration is FREE but REQUIRED.

We ask that you consider making a donation to United Riders of Cumberland as a contribution to trail maintenance or join as a member for only $30/year. You can join here: https://unitedridersofcumberland.com/product/membership-subscription/


We recommend that you utilize the orientation runs as a test drive for your gear. As such, carry everything you would use on race day while also considering that there are no aid stations for the orientation runs. 

Check your race distance at https://devilsladderultra.com/ for gear recommendations and requirements. 


Before emailing us, please visit our Facebook Community for more information:

Perseverance Adventure Club – https://www.facebook.com/groups/600973094247224