Our Cause

The United Riders of Cumberland is a registered non-profit society that advocates for mountain biking through:
- building and maintaining mountain bike trails;
- hosting mountain bike events;
- encouraging mountain biking in youth;
- facilitating group rides;
- encouraging the positive spirit of mountain biking in the community; and,
- fostering positive working relationships with landowners;
- working with other community groups, agencies, societies, and organization’s sharing similar purposes.
The trails surrounding Cumberland are located on private lands owned by Mosiac forest management, https://www.mosaicforests.com/ Manulife Investment Management, (formally Hancock Forest Management https://htrg.com/ or the Village of Cumberland https://cumberland.ca/parks/
In 2015 UROC signed a historic agreement with these landowners that allows for legal, non-motorized recreation on these lands. This agreement was the result of many years of hard work by UROC and the landowners and embodies the positive working relationship that has developed to facilitate recreation within both the working forest and Cumberland Municipal Parklands.
The Cumberland trails were built by the passion and hard work of countless volunteers. UROC is working to maintain and expand the trail network by supporting those volunteers as well as employing a paid Trail Crew. See the Trail Care page for more details about this work.
In addition to managing and maintaining the Cumberland trails, UROC also hosts several mountain bike races each year such as the Dodge City Enduro, the Coaltown Throwdown, and the Twelve Hours of Cumberland. On top of being a really good time, these races are an important source of funding that goes towards insurance and trail work. Check out the events calendar for details on this year’s events!
UROC is proud to support youth in mountain biking through its partnership with the Cumberland Community Schools Society and they’re After School Bike Club and Ride-Build-Ride programs. UROC also subsidizes youth entry fees for UROC races.
Wednesday night UROC Women’s Rides embody the positive spirit of mountain biking and through the amazing work of volunteer ride leaders have introduced many to mountain biking. Check out the events calendar for other group rides and community events.
We encourage everyone who uses the Cumberland trails to become a member of UROC and support the trails.

The Cumberland Forest is part of an interconnected system of forests, salmon bearing creeks, wetlands and riparian areas adjacent to the Village of Cumberland on Vancouver Island in the traditional territory of the Pentlach, SaLαLt, Säsitla and Eiksαn, known today as the K’omoks First Nation.
This forest is an integral part of both the Trent and Puntledge Watersheds, feeds Comox Lake, and forms a critical link in an extensive biodiversity corridor that connects mountains and lakes to the Salish Sea. This forest is privately owned by timber companies.
The Cumberland Forest has given a great deal to our community. Cumberland was built on logging and mining and the Cumberland Forest was a base for both activities. Today an extensive multi-use trail network winds its way through the area that is enjoyed by hikers, mountain bikers, trail runners, naturalists, children and families, school groups and many others.
The Cumberland Community Forest Society (CCFS) is a charitable society formed 21 years ago with the mission to purchase, protect and care for the Cumberland Forest. Guided by the belief that this forest is worth more to our community than timber, the society is supported by individuals, organizations and businesses from across the region and beyond.
To date, the society has purchased 500 acres of forest and placed it under a conservation covenant to ensure its future protection as a Village park. Their most recent purchase was September 1st 2020 when 225 acres known as Project Perseverance was purchased outright by the community.
We are currently working to purchase and protect an additional 44 acres of beautiful creekside forest in the Lower Perseverance Creek corridor. This biodiversity corridor closes the gap between protected parklands, Perseverance Creek and Comox Lake. Please support our ongoing land protection and stewardship efforts by becoming a donor today.

Comox Valley Search and Rescue has played a vital role in the Comox Valley for over 40 years and we look forward to many more years of service.
We are a volunteer organization providing a wide range of search and rescue services, including rope and swift water rescue, avalanche rescue, and first aid. Our coverage area ranges from Oyster River in the north to Cook Creek in the south and from Buttle Lake in the west to the Georgia Strait in the east, including Denman and Hornby Islands. We also work closely with other Search and Rescue groups to provide mutual aid to communities across the province.
Our highly committed volunteers are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In 2021, our 60+ members collectively contributed over 11,500 hours to search and rescue operations, educational programs, and community events.